More levels and more fun for Cube Droid with Holiday Special

Cube Droid is a puzzle game published last year by bitsofbas making its debut at the MSXGoto40 event in ROM cartridge format.
In this second generation MSX game we take on the role of a small droid whose mission is to collect the batteries that appear scattered around the stage and escape to the next level. At first it seems like an easy mission but nothing could be further from the truth, as things quickly become more interesting in terms of difficulty level and the puzzles that it presents us will make us rack our brains hard.

For those who are still craving more Cube Droid, the developer has released a Christmas version with additional levels. To play it, you don't need to finish the original or own it, as it is completely independent.
In addition to the 24 new levels , this game comes with other “gifts”:
- The game's code regarding saving games has been conveniently modified so that if the game is recorded on a ROM cartridge, the games are automatically saved in the flash memory of the cartridge itself as the player completes the different screens. This is something, for me, remarkable and desirable in games today and I would like to see it implemented in future projects.
- A new type of teleportation box that disappears when the alarm is activated.
- Alternative Christmas melody created for the occasion by Jorito.
- New design of the protagonist robot sprite.
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