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March 11, 2025


Everything about MSX, and more…


We all love our MSX and everything and are all thankful for all it brought to our lives, and still brings today. However, for decades now, the MSX standard depends on us to keep it alive, which means we are the ones with the hands in the wheel, not only in the joystick.

What we mean by that is that we, the MSXALL Team, believe the MSX is what it is today because of its community, even knowing not everyone always looked eye to eye or shared the same ideals. Nevertheless, here we are, altogether, inheriting the great responsibility of maintaining and evolving the MSX standard, which is something we can all be proud of based on the incredible number of achievements this very same community has accomplished in the last few decades.

That is our simple vision about the MSX! It is and will be what we want it to be, and no one will do any of it for us. It is all about us to organize, unite, cooperate and share our achievements because it is what brought us here, and it is what will keep moving us – and the MSX – towards a bright and fun future.

If you believe our vision and our mission are in alignment with ours, please join the movement and help. There is no shortage of ideas and options, it is just a matter of cooperation to make it all better. We are committed to doing all we can to embrace and facilitate any MSX initiative. Feel free to reach out to us via the Contact Page. We are listening. 

Thank you for being part of the MSX Universe!

Julio Marchi
The MSX-ALL Team Coordinator 
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